Monday, February 28

ROBO Pro---Programing Assignments (2 blog posts in one)

In this Project we learned how to program
a ROBO Controller using variables and other things. In the
picture the middle of the reaction is a part that
loops it around so it will keep restarting.

For SubProgramming:

The top picture is the main program, in the middle, you can see how the middle is where the bottom picture would be. In subprograming you have to use parts that have an entry and an exit point.
  1. What are the benefits of using subprograms within your team development projects?
The benefits of using subprograms is that it saves space and makes the program look way neater.


  1. Alrighy so i think i did these posts correctly. BTW i put all the programming blog posts into one big one.

  2. Thanks for pointing out that you have both of these assignments in one post. I nearly missed that. Let's do one post per assignment in the future! Thanks.

    ... and please turn off word verification!

  3. Hi Sam,

    Did you get a post together for your Machine Control Capstone Project?

    You put a lot of work into that and I'd like to see you capture your experience on here. It's worth a significant amount of points too!

    And again, please turn off word verification on your comments!
