Tuesday, May 17

Egg Drop Project:

Total Number of Achievements: 17

The pic after the drop!!!  It survived                               This is part 3 of 3 videos (my drop)


Justify (list and explain) your Achievements.
Material Prep:
-Generate a list of materials required for build day.
-Document a plan to ensure materials are brought in on block day.
cotton balls
duct tape
Material Size:
-Your materials fit inside a printer paper box
-Your materials fit inside a shoe box
Material Weight:  147.1g
-Your materials weigh less than 500 grams.
-Your materials weigh less than 300 grams.
-Your materials weigh less than 200 grams.
-Your materials weigh less than 150 grams.
Drop Accuracy: Watch the Video!!
-You hit the butcher paper!
-You hit inside the third ring!
-You hit inside the second ring!
-You hit inside the first ring!
Egg Resilience:
-Your egg didn't break in any way! (awarded three times)
-Create a sketch of one possible solution. Include labels. 
What designs from your class did well?  Some designs did well were the ones that had a thick outer layer, or parashoots to slow the fall.

Based on the achievements you earned, how would you redesign your solution to score better? Based on what i've learned i would make it lighter by: take out some of the fluffy cotton balls and don't double bowl it. Also use less duct tape sinse my project weighted 147.1g. I was thinking i could make it smaller in size by using something flat as a top instead of two bowls.

Monday, May 2

Glider Challenge (pics to be added soon)

1) The challenge of this project is that we need to make a plane or glider that can fly off of a 2 story building. 

2) Some ideas I had for the glider challenge was to build a double winged triangle plane. It would take after the Wright Brothers' design how it had the poles connecting both wings. One major flaw of my idea is that it had no back end because it was a triangle, not rectangle-ish like their design.

3) Some Criteria that we need to accomplish is that it needs to:
-not break on impact
-go the farthest
-have the longest flight time

Some Constraints is that we can only use the materials we have. We didnt get that much balsa wood, and we can only build once so we cant mess up. There are only certain things that can attach wood successfully. Traffic on the Coronado Bridge caused people not to make it to school. We only have 4 days to complete it, 2 days of which Mr. Olson isnt going to be there.


Tuesday, April 26


This project consisted of making a machine that could sort 5 kinds of marbles (wood, metal, green,r ed, and clear). So we had to sort 15 marbles in 2 minutes (3 of each kind in a random order).

For the first model we were going to use a moving motor that would knock
the marbles into their own slots or boxes.

In the machines second phase we gave up on the conveyor belt looking design and we came
up with a slightly elavated ramp. the blue cylinder is compressed air that were going to power
pumps that weren't added yet.

Weeks latter ....

What we ended up doing was we used a light sensor and a light to see how much light went through. Using that data we made a single pump shoot out when it read that same number. We set different pumps to each of the kinds of marbles. The wood was similar ,number wise, to the metal so we made it just roll all the way down.

                                                                    Finaldraft pic:

Overall it took us awhile (4-5 weeks) but we got it done. The wood marbles caused us the most problems because it was so similar to the metal in terms of how much light it let through. I think what we would do differently would be moving the magnet around or/and creating a better 2 door system.
                                                               One way 2 door system

Monday, February 28

ROBO Pro---Programing Assignments (2 blog posts in one)

In this Project we learned how to program
a ROBO Controller using variables and other things. In the
picture the middle of the reaction is a part that
loops it around so it will keep restarting.

For SubProgramming:

The top picture is the main program, in the middle, you can see how the middle is where the bottom picture would be. In subprograming you have to use parts that have an entry and an exit point.
  1. What are the benefits of using subprograms within your team development projects?
The benefits of using subprograms is that it saves space and makes the program look way neater.

Tuesday, February 22

Flowcharting Activity

in the picture it says:
step 1:
pick a number between 1 and 10
step 2:
if it is odd add one
if it is even add zero
step 3:
divide by 2
step 4:
if the number is one stop
if the number isn't one go back to step 2

  1. How is flowcharting similar to using a map to plan a route for a trip?

Flowcharting and maping out a route are similar because there is a starting point and an end point. Everything in between, pit stops for food, restroom breaks, and other things you have to go through. Flowcharting is used to see where energy is going while a map is used to see the roads that cars take.

2. Describe a process that you perform every day. Develop a flowchart that illustrates the process.
In my day I get up go to school which takes 30 minutes or more. I go to my classes, 1-6, then after school I go to my practice and my extra class I need to take, but thats only on Wendesday.

Thursday, February 17

Content is KING

1) I have a hobby of collecting Foreign/rare currency. So money from other nations or just different kind of US money (gold dollar quarters), pesos, Chinese and Japanese money, Canadian money, and some others i dont know.

2) Someone who has a blog to promote a brand or product is ,Islander Company's Publicity Officier, C/PO1 Cloe Lozier. She works with the Anchor Club and the Company's Webmaster to manage the blog. She promotes NJROTC and Islander Company by showing all the different events and drill meets we do. She has her blog that has different tabs or pages for everything we need (home tab, plan of the week, Company Staff, team pages, pictures, and more).

3) I would have a blog that talks about school stuff. It would have the assignments for certain classes,the classes im taking, and it would also have pictures or videos of each class so people can see things from that day in class even if they weren't there.

OPT in (Aribic protest clothing)

In the picture I noticed some of the items in the pic:
1) shield: used to defend off police attacks
2) big/baggy jacket: used to protect from gas and/or bullets
3) Mask and googles: to protect face from gas or attack
4) Shoes: to protect feet
5) rose/flower: to represent peace

The explanations are next to the item.

Monday, February 14

PROJECT 3.1.7 Machine Control Design (Chocolate Cookie Tooper)

1)   requirements: A) make a device that will drop a hershey kiss on a cookie. B) have the chocolate cookie be slid into another area for inspection.

2) have 2 conveyor belts, one with the cookie on it and one with the chocolate on it. Have the chocolate's conveyor belt be higher then the cookie and have the hershey kiss just fall on to the cookie.

                                            The Top picture is the "blueprint" i drew up

The bottom picture is when i had one of the
conveyor belts mostly done

Thursday, February 10

Metric Units

Here is all the measurements, in the metric system, that we need for in the class
distance = m
time = s
mass = kg
area = m^2
velocity = m/s
density = Kg/m^3
gravity = m/s^2force = KgM/S^2
energy = KgM^2/S^2
power = KgM^2/S^3

Tuesday, February 8

Activity 3.1.1 Inputs and Outputs

Put the anwsers to the activity's questions as a blog post.

5. Unchecked; zero; no its not present6. checked; 1 present
7. it reverses the conditions
9. 38 to 5000
11. 1718
12. 1655
14. just switch the wires into opposite inputs
15. The electromagnet turns the reed switch on
16. Its normally closed
18. The light shining on it is the closed photoresistor
19. more light will make it have more resistance in phototransistor
20. reverse the programming
21. leave it alone/normally at it will be utilized.

Tuesday, January 25

Tenis Ball Group Activity.....

So in the activity talk about how your group faced the challenge. What was the challenge? What did your group come up with? Where there changes to your stradegy? If so what were they? How did your group do?
Team 1's idea they took from team 2.
The idea is the same as what I talked about.

My group was group number 2. In the activity we needed to have everyone pass a tennis ball and when the last person gets it you yell done. The first idea we came up with was for everyone to stand in a circle and pass it to eachother.

We fixed it so what our group did was we made a slide like idea out of our hands and we let the ball slide from the top to the bottom and the last person caught it. We won with that idea 2x.

Lost @ Sea Survival Guide

List the top three and bottom three of your individual assesments of the list of 15 items. Also list the top and bottom three items that your group came up with. Was it hard or easy to come up with ideas in your group?

My individual top and bottom three:
1) fishing kit (you need a way to get food)
2) a sextant (for navigation)
3) case of army rations (its food)

1) Maps of the pacific ocean (wrong ocean map)
2) one bottle of 160% rum (no one needs achol)
3) small transistor radio (it only is for music)

My Group's top and bottom three

1) 25 liters of water (everyone needs water)
2) army rations (need food)
3) 2 boxes of chocolate (extra food)
1) Map of Pacific Ocean (wrong ocean map)
2) mosquito netting (no mosquitos on ocean)
3) shark repellent (little shark confrontation)

In my group everyone participated. Me and Austin argued on a couple things but overall, we did good. My group put the foods and water first. We also put supplies after the main food. If we did this again I would be a little more argumenative because some times a person can argue that fishing supplies is more important than chocolate.