Tuesday, January 25

Tenis Ball Group Activity.....

So in the activity talk about how your group faced the challenge. What was the challenge? What did your group come up with? Where there changes to your stradegy? If so what were they? How did your group do?
Team 1's idea they took from team 2.
The idea is the same as what I talked about.

My group was group number 2. In the activity we needed to have everyone pass a tennis ball and when the last person gets it you yell done. The first idea we came up with was for everyone to stand in a circle and pass it to eachother.

We fixed it so what our group did was we made a slide like idea out of our hands and we let the ball slide from the top to the bottom and the last person caught it. We won with that idea 2x.

Lost @ Sea Survival Guide

List the top three and bottom three of your individual assesments of the list of 15 items. Also list the top and bottom three items that your group came up with. Was it hard or easy to come up with ideas in your group?

My individual top and bottom three:
1) fishing kit (you need a way to get food)
2) a sextant (for navigation)
3) case of army rations (its food)

1) Maps of the pacific ocean (wrong ocean map)
2) one bottle of 160% rum (no one needs achol)
3) small transistor radio (it only is for music)

My Group's top and bottom three

1) 25 liters of water (everyone needs water)
2) army rations (need food)
3) 2 boxes of chocolate (extra food)
1) Map of Pacific Ocean (wrong ocean map)
2) mosquito netting (no mosquitos on ocean)
3) shark repellent (little shark confrontation)

In my group everyone participated. Me and Austin argued on a couple things but overall, we did good. My group put the foods and water first. We also put supplies after the main food. If we did this again I would be a little more argumenative because some times a person can argue that fishing supplies is more important than chocolate.